2022 was a banner year for Harbor Shalom in many aspects of our vision.
- The strongest sector was definitely in the area of personal healing and deliverance ministry. Over the year Doyle and Rebecca had the privilege of praying with individuals in 178 appointments.
- We provided instructions for consecrating properties to the Lord with two different homeowners and prayed with them to establish a spiritual canopy of protection.
- We also met with the fellowship at Christ Community Church of East Haddam for prayer and ministry 82 times during the year. It has been our joy to see the Thursday prayer group grow from four to thirteen over the year.
- We continue to fellowship with the New Britain Gatekeepers both as attendees and as hosts for the weekly meetings. Harbor Shalom was involved with 35 of those meetings.
- During the winter quarter we taught the Birthright of Freedom Bible study on generational issues at Christ Community Church, in person and online. The classes are recorded and available for viewing on the church website.
- Harbor Shalom Board of Directors met for seven meetings, providing significant oversight, accountability and encouragement.
- We hosted many visitors and family dinner guests: 75.
- As Harbor Shalom we participated in 3 conferences with other Christian missions, 1 outreach with the East Haddam Chamber of Commerce fair, and the ISDM Annual meeting in Dallas, TX. Wherever we go, we not only share what we have been entrusted, but are privileged to learn.
- Most exciting, though, was the Deliverance Ministry Training School which we offered one weekend/month, October through December. We graduated nine ministers, eight of whom went through deliverance with us in the last two years. It was a fruitful investment in Kingdom. And we see this as part of the vision for connection and expansion that God gave Harbor Shalom in its beginning more than ten years ago.
- The financial record speaks for itself, a lovely kiss of God on the work He has given.
We praise God from Whom, indeed, all blessings flow. Join us in celebrating His glorious goodness.
With grateful hearts,
Doyle and Rebecca Musser
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