Many comments suggested that more should be said about the topic of bullies. As we begin this new year many of us like to form new years resolutions, the purpose being, presumably, to make some changes in behavior or appearance. Let’s be honest and ask the question, “How long do these resolutions last?”. The next question could be, why don’t they last very long? We usually don’t get to that question because defeat overwhelms us. I believe the answer has to do with self discipline. I give this seemingly disconnected opening for a reason. I want to encourage you to begin the discipline of critical thinking about this topic or any other in your life. Fundamentally,if you don’t know where you stand now, how will you know how to get where you want to be?
As we begin to think more about bullies, start with the question, ‘Where do bullies come from? Do they just appear in the school yard one day? Do they just happen to show up at your work place, or dance, or other social gathering? Consider the thought that bullies might be raised. The family unit is the core of a society. It is here children are supposed to learn the basics of life. Part of that learning needs to be how to share, how to think of others and their feelings and not just yourself and what you want. It is in the family that we should be trained in self-discipline so that a person doesn’t have to be disciplined by society. What happens when these things are missing?

There was an interesting study done involving elephant herds. The lead bulls where removed from the herds. With the leadership and guidance of the elders missing, the younger bulls quickly started going rogue. Destruction and injury followed. By putting the mature bulls back into the herd the younger bulls were brought back into line. Just like the elephants humans need both a mother and and a father to lead and guide the young. Children of both sexes need both the male and female perspective to lead and guide and correct them. We have been and are seeing the breakdown of the family unit. We see this breakdown in the high divorce rate, the dumbing down of what it means to discipline, and from those who are trying to redefine that family unit.

Perhaps you may be tempted to think the blame is all on the parents. We are not just physical and emotional beings. We are also spiritual. And as the Bible tells us we are born with a sin nature. So though the parents have the responsibility to raise up the child in the way he or she should go, the child has some responsibility also. For example; even if parents were perfect in their parenting ability, the child can choose to rebel and go their own way. We learn to parent from our parents and are then influenced by the society we live in. In our society we have stopped holding people accountable. This has trickled down to child rearing. We think it so awful if we hear someone has spanked their child, yet that used to be the norm. We now want to rescue the our children from their foolish actions and decisions. It used to be that they were held responsible for those actions and decisions. Many couples choose to both work, leaving the raising of their children to day care, schools and the TV. When a child is left to his/her own devices, are we surprised when some of them turn “rogue”? As a society we have accepted the mantra of separation of church and state, though that was not the intention of our founders or the Constitution. We kicked God out of the schools and public places. What do you think fills that void? What happens to a society when it loses its spiritual heritage and foundation? As you read the papers, listen to the news, and observe your environment today, think about these things.