The following books have been significant resources to the ministry of Harbor Shalom. While we do not offer them for sale via this website, they are widely available from the publisher, Amazon, and local Christian bookstores.
Musser, Doyle & Rebecca. Birthright of Freedom. IN: Westbow Press, 2019. This is the Bible study we developed to bring a scriptural model for dealing with generational sins and the resulting curses.
Sudduth, William. So Free!. CO: RAM ministries. This book provides a very accessible exposition of the topic of inner healing, deliverance, its necessity and purpose in the lives of present-day believers.
Henderson, Robert. Operating in the Courts of Heaven. TX Robert Henderson Ministries, 2016. This book introduces the Biblical understanding of God as Judge of All, along with the Christian’s right, protocol, and need to discover and engage in this avenue of prayer. It is the first in a series of teachings that are present in the ancient languages of the Bible, but have been largely overlooked until the last several decades.
Enlow, Johnny. The Seven Mountain Prophecy. FL: Creation House, 2008. End-times prophecies abound. However, this work provides a liberating call for every, and all believers to search out the sphere of influence in which God has destined us to operate, and give ourselves whole-heartedly to His eternal purpose.
Vallotton, Kris and Johnson, Bill. Supernatural Ways of Royalty. PA: Destiny Image Publishers, 2006. After we have dealt with the generational issues and strongholds in our lives there is a necessary journey of transformation to be made. (Romans 12:1-2) In this book, the authors highlight five key values each Christian should be pursuing. We have used this book as a follow-up study after Birthright of Freedom.
Bevere, Lisa. Adamant. MI: Revell, 2018. A brand new book, Adamant, takes a deep look at the challenges we Christ-followers face in a world where Truth has been dismissed and it seems like everyone has gone mad. Lisa Bevere takes us to the One who is our solid rock, and also our intimate lover. Compelling and yet, accessible.
Wuesthoff, Michelle. Grafted In. US: Heart & Sea Press, 2018. Herein is a beautiful, step by step, journey into the reality of our adoption into the Heavenly Father’s heart. The author carefully show us how to recognize our orphan hearts, the reasons for this condition, and the way to rebuild a healthy foundation for our identity, in God. There is also a companion devotional to help personalize the teaching from the book.

The Importance of Inner Healing and Deliverance for Effective Discipleship, author: Johnathan Lee Shoo Chiang; publisher WOPF & STOCK, USA, 2019. Johnathan Lee Shoo Chiang oversees the Inner Healing and Deliverance (IHD) ministry at Trinity Christian Centre in Singapore. This excellent dissertation of the essential need for inner healing and deliverance in the life of all Christian believers establishes the Biblical and theological bases for IHD, the current relevance of this ministry and the historical recognition as to how we, the Church, got where we are today. It successfully links a believer’s capacity to genuinely encounter God and receive divine healing and wholeness, with effective discipleship which, then, can launch one into their purpose and destiny. We highly recommend this book for
pastors and leaders who are wondering about the rising interest in IHD ministry.

Let Our Children Go, author: Rebecca Greenwood, published by Charisma House, FL, 2011. Written as a handbook for parents and all who minister to children, we used this book as a text for our Deliverance Ministry Training School in 2022. Despite pre-dating the COVID-19 fiasco which renders some of the author’s statistics obsolete, the book presents a strong argument for ministry to today’s children along with proven, easily appropriated strategies to do so. We gave a copy to each of our married children—it is that valuable!

Not Forsaken: Finding Freedom As Sons and Daughters of a Perfect Father. Author: Louie Giglio, published by B & H publishing Group, TN, 2019. What a timely, yet timeless missive to the generations of the fatherless—abandoned or abdicated or dismissed! Giglio offers the antidote in a careful, powerful, and thorough portrait of FATHER GOD. It prescribes true correction to our often skewed perceptions about our heavenly Father.